
Words Calculator / Word Counter

Letters Calculator / Letter Counter

Hello! Those are two free, online applications for you to use which i've made for myself.
They are Online Letters Calculator / Letter Counter and Online Words Calculator / Word Counter.
It counts the number of letters or/and words in a text.
Useful for your tweets on Twitter, as well as a multitude of other applications, this is a free online calculator which counts the number of characters or letters in a text. Journalists writing your article, students working on your assignment, freelance writers, researchers, job seekers preparing your Resume or Curriculum Vitae: please feel free to use this tool to count the number of letters or characters in your document. It will also be useful for marketing, advertising, web design, brochure creation, thesis writing, etc.

To start, simply write or paste the text into the text area. When you have finished, click on CALCULATE (count letters/words) under the text area, and watch the results appear immediately. You can turn the Real Time calculation ON and OFF as you wish. You can also clear your text anytime you want by deleting the text.

Twitter's character limit is 140
An SMS text message limit is 160
 Google AdSense ads can have 25 characters for the title, 70 characters for the ad text, and 35 characters for the displayed URL. N.B. a space or punctuation are a "character". 
YouTube comment can be max. 500 letters long